Salt water pool maintenance
If you’re considering building a saltwater pool or converting your existing chlorine pool to salt water, there’s a number of things to consider when it comes to salt water pool maintenance. Owners of saltwater pools must regularly check that all of their pool equipment (filter, pump, skimmer) is clean and in good working order at all times and often, the salt in the pool water can damage the equipment requiring costly replacements. The salt chlorine generator must also be inspected regularly and replaced when needed. In addition to taking care of pool equipment, salt water pool maintenance includes testing and balancing the water’s chemistry.
A fresh alternative to salt water
An alternative to a salt water pool with fewer chemicals, less ongoing costs and less time spent on maintenance is the NKD-R Freshwater Pool System. The innovative sanitisation system is cost-effective, gentle on skin and all-natural, using nature’s minerals, copper and silver, to clean and disinfect your pool water.
How to maintain a saltwater pool
The three main aspects of maintaining a clean swimming pool, no matter what sanitisation you use, are; circulation, chemicals and cleaning. A saltwater pool requires several different chemicals, all balanced correctly to ensure it stays clean. To maintain a saltwater pool, it’s essential to use a salt test strip to check the salt balance of your pool.
Another key to maintaining a saltwater pool (and other pools for that matter) is circulation. Water circulation plays a crucial role in salt water pool maintenance. Circulation filters and cleans your water and works to disperse the chemicals and sanitising agents throughout your pool. Pool water that does not have proper circulation becomes stagnant and can house a multitude of algae and bacteria. Your pool circulation can be affected by jets, dead spots, your pool’s turnover rate, your filter and other factors.
Salt water pool care schedule
Maintaining a salt water pool requires regular attention. You may need to attend to your salt water pool on a daily basis, especially during peak use in the warmer months. It’s a good idea to clear away any debris any time you see it in your pool. Testing the water’s pH and free chlorine should happen weekly and even twice a week during heavy use or after extreme weather events that could alter your pool’s chemical balance. At least once a month, you should be checking salinity, alkalinity, stabiliser and calcium levels.
While the initial investment in a freshwater system may be more expensive than a typical salt chlorinator, it will save you time and hundreds of dollars a year on upkeep costs due to lower chemical and power consumption.
Call the team at Naked Pools for expert advice about building a natural pool! 1800 625 331