Start your freshwater journey:

Naked water – swimming as nature intended™
With the world’s best quality water on tap, Australians appreciate the benefits of fresh water. Yet when it comes to our nation’s favourite pastime, we’ve all accepted that chlorine and saltwater were the natural order of things.
Not anymore.

Less chlorine than your household tap
A breakthrough system by Naked Pools can safely and effortlessly purify your pool water without need for adding chlorine, high salt or minerals.
The benefits are crystal clear
No red eyes or
irritated skin
Perfect for asthmatics,
psoriasis and eczema
Up to 50% saving on
running costs
Longer lasting equipment
and pool surrounds
No need to wash swimwear
or shower after swimming
Easy to set up
and manage
Recycle the water direct to
your garden or holding tank
Natural, rejuvenating
and refreshing

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Every Naked Freshwater System includes our Complete Customer Care Plan, to ensure the system and the pool is everything it should be. Find out more.